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  • Writer's pictureDwaylon Bledsoe

How to be Committed to Writing

Every individual writes either for a career, extra income or write just for their own pleasure. Whatever the case maybe there is a commitment to writing because you have to focus and commit to what you are writing. For example when telling a story with writing and coming up with ideas for the story you are committed to seeing the whole story through because you are writing it and creating the story. Another example is when you are reading a book you are committed to seeing what happens at the end of the book because you got the hook at the beginning of the book to see how the story will unfold. The same applies to your own writing you are doing. I would like to share with you how to be committed to your writing.

The first way on how to be committed to your writing is by creating a writing habit. When creating a writing habit you have to think about what you want to write about and what you like to write about. Be familiar with the topic that you are writing about, once you are familiar with the topics you want to write about it helps develop you write articles, blog posts, books, etc. Your writing habit will help develop your writing skills as well as increase your passion or interest in writing.

After creating a writing habit second way to be committed to writing is to find what works for you. There are people who write in notebooks, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. You can use more than one to write but it is important to find what works for you. For example, some may like writing on just a laptop or just a notebook but in the long term if you want to publish something you will have to type at some point. Whatever the case maybe find what works for you. Not every writer is the same, everyone has a different flow, different way of working and writing. Another factor is finding what genre of writing works for you. I would like to state you can write in more than one genre or stick to one genre, it all up to the writer. Finding your genre is very dependent on the writer as you might like to write poetry, or fiction, or self-help, whatever it is find the genre that you are comfortable with and go from there.

Lastly, write every day. In order to commit to writing you should write every day, the reason behind writing every day is it help with writing skills, and helps gets your ideas from your mind to paper or technology. There are times where you will do free writing which is where you just write and not think about grammar or punctuation, just writing everything that comes to your mind and putting it on paper or technology to have a story and have a flow of what your mind. Writing every day will help you become a better writer and become organized in your writing.

However, if you write for a passion, career, extra income, etc. whatever the case is stay committed to your writing and don't give up. Keep writing and stay encouraged.

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