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  • Writer's pictureDwaylon Bledsoe

Learning from the Past and Focus on the Future

In life, we have trials and tribulations. We have problems and obstacles and we have positive and negative experiences throughout our lifetime. We go through so much in our lifetime and in every experience there is a lesson that helps us grow and to become a better version of ourselves. We learn from our experiences that help us make better decisions, better choices, as well as who we trust and let in our lives. Embracing your experiences is for you to be able to grow and realize that your experience is part of your life's journey and it doesn't define you. I want to share why it is important to embrace your experiences. 

Growth can come from your past experiences. As we grow from kids to teenagers to adults there are obstacles we face as we get older. As kids and teenagers, we don't know exact terms or what is happening. There are times where parents don't discuss what going on in the household with the children because they want to protect the children. This is understandable and as you get older and start living your own life you realize that your parents protecting you was good and also see how your parents react or handle situations is something that is passed to the children as they grow older to make their own decisions and live for themselves. In my experience, as I begin going to college and there were times where I had to manage financial aid, and discussion with my advisor about my degree path which I had to make for myself but you can also discuss with your family your plans but at the end of the day you are making the decision about what you want to do. Throughout life, you will have many situations and problems and from each situation and problem, there is growth from them. When you reflect on them, you realize you are not the same person or you handle situations differently now. That is considered growth. When you recognize something that happens in the past and either has regrets or realize you shouldn't have done that and don't want to make the same mistakes twice is part of your growth to be better and also embracing what you went through. Don't look at your past experiences and see how they hurt you or tried to destroy your life but look at them and see how you grew from your past experiences. 

Your experiences will be a part of you and help shape you to become a better person. Don't let your bad experiences define you because you can learn from them and embrace them to be a part of your growth and become a better person. Embrace your experiences will benefit you to grow, and be better.

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