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  • Writer's pictureDwaylon Bledsoe

Stay on the Path

Happy Black History Month!

We as individuals go through so much in our lives and times where we feel lost, disappointed, ashamed, embarrassed, and also feel like when you making two steps forward you going two steps backward. We have to keep the faith and stay on the path. As the Bible teaches us in Proverbs 3:5-6 to “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he call direct thy paths” KJV. I don’t know about you but it important to trust in God in every area of our lives and he helps us and guides us. The road gets rough but we have to stay on the path and not give up. 

We experience a lot in different areas of our lives. We struggle to stay positive in a world where there is so much negativity. In these difficult times we have to have faith, what is faith? “Faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1 KJV). As we stay on the path, our faith in God will help us be better individuals, by changing our attitudes, changing the way we perceive things, changing our perspective also, we have to want to change and work on our faith because the Bible teaches us “faith without work is dead”. We should have the encouragement to work on our faith. 

I know from experience how hard it can be to live your life when people are always criticizing you and telling you how you should act. In my experience, there was someone who I thought was my friend who was always “you shouldn’t do that” and say that a lot whenever I said something or did something. For example, there was a time I posted a general statement on my social media and some people took it the wrong way and address their frustrations at work and I wasn’t trying to hurt anyone feelings on what I post, it was a general statement and I like to encourage others and that was the point of the post but some didn’t seem that way. I was getting yelled at by these people who were supposed to be my friends. From holding stuff in and not saying something for a long time I defended myself and didn’t allow anyone to just talk about me like I was crazy. I was informed, “you shouldn’t have reacted that way because you don’t know what transpired with them at their jobs” that was a point where I was tired of trying to be nice to people because there are people who think it is okay to do whatever or say whatever they want to nice people. Here is where keeping your mind on God and believing in God comes in. God showed me people's true color and in that time I found out who was my friends and who wasn’t. It is amazing how God works and knows what best for His people!. By me staying on the path and believing in God I learn to trust God way more than I should. From that point, forward life got better. I start putting myself first as a priority instead of trying to have friends who say they are your friends and they not. Staying on the path allows you to learn from experiences and not make the same mistakes twice. It allows you to grow from those experiences and by staying on the path you will walk alone sometimes but as long as you keep your mind on God and you believe God he can show you more of what you need, and He can provide and God will be with you until the end. Stay on the path God has put you on and don’t stop but stay. It might get hard sometimes but stay on the path, it may get tough but stay on the path, you might feel lost at times but stay on the path, you might feel like everyone is against you and you are alone stay on the path. By staying on the path allows you to believe that God has a reason and purpose for your life, STAY ON THE PATH!. 

As I continue to walk in the light of God I am determined to staying on the path and staying committed to fulfilling the assignment God has for me. Going into 2021 and forward staying on the path is important and staying committed! No matter what happens STAY ON THE PATH!!

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