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  • Writer's pictureDwaylon Bledsoe

Learning from the Past and Focus on the Future Pt.2

This post is a continuation of the last learning from the past and focuses on the future. What will be discussed in this post is the benefits of learning from your past to focus on your future. 

Your past is important for you to be able to grow from and be able to not make the same mistakes and focus on becoming a better person and creating a better future for yourself. Sometimes we think we are defined by our past. We are not, our past doesn't determine our future. Yes, we make mistakes but it's important to learn from them and not let it define who we are. 

The first benefit from learning from the past to focus on the future is you are not the same person you were in the past. When you reflect on your past and realize things you have done and realize how much you change is a representation of growth. You might realize how you made bad decisions, or taking risks, or making unnecessary sacrifices for others, or whatever the case maybe you learn from anything you did in the past and want to grow from it and not go back to the past. There is a phrase that says "a difference a year makes" this phrase represents change as you might not be the same person a year ago but you are changing your character and image to be a better person and the best version of yourself. 

Another benefit of learning from the past to focus on the future is you discover more about yourself. As you have your experiences and you learn from mistakes you will discover more about yourself. What do you mean? I'm glad you asked. Your experiences and mistakes would help you realized that you don't want to make the same mistakes twice and that you want to do something new and different for yourself. Secondly, you will want to focus more on your skills and do what best for you. There will be times where you question what can you do? Which is a good question to ask yourself because you will be able to figure out what is best for you and how to approach your dreams and goals that you have for your life. Discovering more about yourself is good because you will evolve and work harder to be the best you can in any capacity that works best for you. Don't be afraid to learn from the past because it can help you become better for the future. 

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